On this April 6th our Taekwon-Do groups join the White Card digital campaign to raise an approaching to peace, empathy and solidarity. ITF Taekwon-Do is a martial art and a way of life, but we are also an sport, and also a recreative activity and a tool for social development. And this is my work alongside with many people that I will lose count if I mention all of them. But, if they read this article they will know that from the bottom of my heart I thank them. Through programs such as Kids Program, Harmony Program and Adapted Program we bring people from all range of ages to learn and enjoy Taekwon-Do in a different way. Also we follow our five tenets: courtesy, integrity, perseverance and indomitable spirit that permeated and shaped the everyday training of Taekwon-Do. And we are qualifying instructors to teach better with good teaching methodology and the beast with a an empathetic attitude. So, everyone who step inside our dojang have stepped on the path that is worth taking. With ITF Taekwon-Do we make feel our students it was the right choice to begin with this martial art, the way to become a martial artist and become a better person everyday.
Taekwon-Do for everyone