“These events overflooded my sense of humanity. Yes, in the deepest of my being, a great challenge set root; a challenge which in that moment perhaps only was nostalgia, but which day by day turned into my most important objective—the objective which I fight for today. An objective liberated from peace retorics, but filled with humbleness and novelty provided by God, who has always guided me.
Gerson took action, writing a peace proposal and song entitled “Constructors of Peace of Peace.” He presented this to the media, and his voice began to be heard. Even before reaching his teen years, he was already moving boldly into the challenging, complex arena of pro-active humanitarian service. Due to the dedication of Gerson, many other children, and supporting adults the following occurred:Gerson walked through these doors, following his calling, to the Hague Appeal for Peace, and onward to numerous conferences, events, forums, and meetings, where he spoke and participated in various manners. He was awarded the 1999 Global Youth Award for Peace and Tolerance, and the National Peace Award for his outstanding efforts.
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