ΚΔΑΠ Kids Athletics: Κίνητρό μας; Η αγάπη μας για τα παιδιά και η εξέλιξή τους μέσω του αθλητισμού.

ΚΔΑΠ Kids Athletics: Κίνητρό μας; Η αγάπη μας για τα παιδιά και η εξέλιξή τους μέσω του αθλητισμού.

Το κίνητρο μας ήταν να υπάρξει ένας χώρος δημιουργικής απασχόλησης, δημιουργικού παιχνιδιού, ένας χώρος ελεύθερης διακίνησης και έκφρασης ιδεών, ένας χώρος γυμναστικής μόνο για παιδιά!

Ένας χώρος βγαλμένος μέσα από την δική μας ανάγκη να έχουν τα παιδιά μας αυτό που πραγματικά τους αξίζει.

Αξίες όπως ο σεβασμός, η ομαδικότητα, η υπευθυνότητα, η ευγένεια και η αγάπη είναι από τις πρώτες ανθρώπινες αξίες που διδάσκονται στα παιδιά.

Στόχος μας είναι αλλάξει ο τρόπος που περνάνε τα παιδιά τον χρόνο τους μακριά από το σχολείο και από το σπίτι!



His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco: My experience within the Olympic village, place of gathering and intercultural exchanges

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco: My experience within the Olympic village, place of gathering and intercultural exchanges

Inspired by the journey of my grandfather John Brendan Kelly Sr, of my uncle John Brendan Kelly Jr, both Olympians, and of Prince Albert Ist of Monaco, example of openness to the world and visionary of peace, I dreamed of competing in the Olympic Games from an early age. I developed a passion for several individual and team sports including swimming, fencing, pentathlon, athletics, handball, football and of course bobsleigh. During my participation in the Olympic Winter Games, I discovered a multicultural and united community.

“My experience in the Olympic Village during the Olympic Winter Games allowed me to meet athletes from other cultures and forge relationships on an equal footing. This learning has always been with me and has contributed to my understanding of the world as Head of State. On the occasion of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, I am raising my #WhiteCard to promote the universal values ​​of sport “.

MAGKANOUDAKI DIMITRA OLY. sport shapes the personality of young people

MAGKANOUDAKI DIMITRA OLY. sport shapes the personality of young people

My name is Dimitra Magkanoudaki.

I started fencing in 1990 and stopped in 2008 . I participated in the 2004 Olympic Games where they took place in my country Greece, where with my team we won the 8th place in epee. Now I am a coach for young children and my purpose is to transfer all my knowledge, experiences and my love for this sport!