Staffan de Mistura, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Envoy to war zones: “I raise my #WhiteCard because I believe in the unifying power of peace-through-sport initiatives”

Staffan de Mistura, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Envoy to war zones: “I raise my #WhiteCard because I believe in the unifying power of peace-through-sport initiatives”

Many years ago, I was part of a magical moment that I will never forget and that is still giving me hope for the future. The Israeli-Palestinian football team was competing with a very popular italian team in a big stadium in Rome. Yasser Arafat was on one side and Shimon Peres was sitting on the other side. I was supporting the Israeli-Palestinian team, while representing the UN.

Didier Drogba, Vice-President of Peace and Sport: “The universality of sport brings people together, regardless of ethnic origins, religions or political beliefs”

Didier Drogba, Vice-President of Peace and Sport: “The universality of sport brings people together, regardless of ethnic origins, religions or political beliefs”

On October 8, 2005, in Khartoum, Ivory Coast qualified for the first time in its history in the FIFA World Cup. The victory came as civil war raged on and clashes between supporters of Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara had left thousands of dead in the country. From the locker room, Didier Drogba invited the players of the selection to kneel down and he called on all Ivorians to lay down their arms and organize elections.


loveLife Boy Child

loveLife Boy Child

The New loveLife Trust (loveLife) was formed in 1999 as a private public partnership between the South African Government, private sector and various non-government organisations. Over the years, the vision of the organisation has moved from HIV awareness, education and inspiration for healthy living to being a leader in Youth Health promotion. Health is defined as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being“ ( loveLife program offering consists of various programs under three main pillars namely:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Sports and Active lifestyles
  • Youth Leadership Development

loveLife seeks to promote social activism for healthy living, active lifestyle and HIV consciousness  among young people, through information, education and awareness campaigns, behavioural change programmes, and youth development initiatives.

loveLife has presence in all nine provinces of South Africa and reaches on average 1.2 million young people between the ages of 10-24 each year.

The Boy Child Programme (TBCP)

The aim of Boy Child Programme is to assist boys to make positive life choices when it comes to their health, their future and the way they respond to situations that life throws at them.

The Programme has 3 main focus areas:

  1. Health Promotion
  2. Violence Prevention including Gender Based Violence (GBV)
  3. Youth Leadership Development

loveLife understands the importance of having boys and young men as an important stakeholder when discussing issues of health, violence ,wellbeing and those affecting young women and girls. It is a known biological fact that young girls do not impregnate or inflicting GBV on themselves.To address these issues, everyone who is part of the challenge needs to participate in its alleviation.  

The programme aims to challenge:

  • certain gender norms and behaviours that perpetuate and even intensify violent behaviours towards women and girls by boys and men.
  • violence by men and boys towards their male counterparts.


PingPongParkinson®️: Humanity Above Winning

PingPongParkinson®️: Humanity Above Winning

PingPongParkinson®️ was established to improve PD symptoms through an engaging, novel, and fun rehabilitative method- table tennis or ping pong.   Ping pong is a socially inclusive activity which provides a social support network, something that has also been shown to improve quality of life in PD.
Please, feel free to interact with us on social media. Thank you.
Jacqueline Njeri, PingPongParkinson®️ Advisory Board. 
FIE Supports International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

FIE Supports International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

The FIE encourages fencers worldwide to recognize and take part in this global celebration intended to foster dialogue, understanding, social inclusion and peace. 

We will once again be supporting this important initiative at the 2022 Junior and Cadet Fencing World Championships in Dubai, where we will be over the April 6 Day of Sport for Development and Peace.

CLICK HERE to see our full story from 2021.