Innocent Sangano: Don Bosco Football Academy (Goma, DRC)

Innocent Sangano: Don Bosco Football Academy (Goma, DRC)

Don Bosco Football Academy (GOMA RDC) is the instrument through which it materializes its presence in society and develops human, educational, cultural and sporting actions.

We help young people transfer and put into action values ​​outside of the sport environment, by engaging in their communities, making informed decisions, being sensitive and respecting others and the environment. Our dream is that young people develop self-confidence through sport but also Sport is a means of prevention against violence, delinquency and to prevent children from enlisting in armed groups in the Great Lakes region.

Autonomiser la nouvelle génération

Autonomiser la nouvelle génération

Amir, 43 ans, vient de la ville de Daraa en Syrie. Il était entraîneur de football en Syrie. Depuis son arrivée dans le camp, il a participé à de nombreuses activités sportives et à des séminaires (football, teqball, baseball5). Il a ensuite rejoint le programme Live Together en 2019 en tant qu’entraîneur de tennis de table.