Souad Alqam’s Journey: Women in Sports
“I see sports as a way of life and a form of self-discipline. Football is not only a game but a distinction towards self-confidence.”My journey towards sports started from a young age. I grew up in a family that loves sports. During my school years, I was part of the...
One world, one sport
Kickboxing has taught me to fight for one goal but above all it has shown me that when people from all over the world fight towards the same goal things go better. In my case I have met people from different countries and friends who have taught me how to support us...
Pyrros Dimas: Sport leads to a “way of life” filled with positive values!
I am a Champion for Peace at Peace and Sport, I share my story and raise my whitecard to celebrate sport values!
El Rol de los Clubes en Tiempo de Pandemia
En este conversatorio compartirán experiencias concretas de solidaridad en tiempos de pandemia y crisis. Será una oportunidad para hacer alianzas de cooperación. Con protocolo #covid19, donde impulsaremos la #whitecard2021
Estamos convencidos que si estos valores se replican en la ciudadanía, habrá paz y justicia para todxs. Club All Boys Solidario, Fundación Mayeutica y Acercando Naciones.0
Sports for all
Barbados Olympic Association’s Zumba IDSDP Celebration
The Barbados Olympic Association Inc. will celebrate IDSDP this year with a Zumba event that will be broadcasted live on CBC TV 8, Zoom, Facebook and YouTube on Saturday, April 10 at 4 pm. Previously we observed the daythrough a fun day of sporting competition between...
Sports Schools for Development and Peace
In the framework of the EU funded Sport Opens School project, our students from Hungary, Romania, Italy & Portugal have realised a video to raise awareness on the IDSDP among their peers. On the flashing boards are the topics addressed by a brand-new PE module we...
Peace and sport
"Child and Family Support Center " celebrates for #peaceandsport We are all together!
Cyprus NOC Celebrations
The Cyprus National Olympic Committee Executive Board and staff members, participated at the International Peace and Sport Campaign! and raised the #Whitecard, which symbolizes the World Day for Peace and Friendship.