Peace Through Sport in Wazitistan, Pakistan
Pakistan Taekwondo Federation conducted two national level events in war torn area of Waziristan, Pakistan. Waziristan formerly was administered by Federal Capital. After the war on terror many terrorists made the area as their hideouts. But through the efforts of...

Ball To All and Celebrity Goalie Ivo Mapunda Deliver in Tanzania
Ball To All is a non-profit (501c3) organization that was founded with a simple premise: keep kids playing – it will help them grow healthier, happier and at the same time, keep them out of trouble.The mission is simple and captured in the slogan: Every Kid Can Have A...

Groupe Scolaire Kimisagara solving household disputes back home
Most children from poor families in Kigali drop out of school mostly due to poverty, family disputes, polygamy among other issues. The few who are lucky to continue their education especially in GS Kimisagara highlighted to AKWOS (Organization of Women in Sport)...

Our White Card is symbol of peace through sport
Groupe Scolaire Karama Pupils is a school based in the City of Kigali in Nyarugenge District . The pupils and coachers are Peace Makers and call on you to demonstrate you commitment to dialogue by brandishing their #WhiteCard , symbol of peace through sport.

Gerson Florez: Founder of Cop Colombia International
Gerson Florez is a man committed to peace and the Founder of the Cop Colombia International, a social football club located in Usme, a vulnerable district of Bogota. "When I was a child, I became the spokeperson of children affected by anti-personnel mines. I was...

Clementine Kagarama: transmitting the message of peace through sport
Since December 2021, the #PeacemakersProject is implemented in 4 schools in Rwanda in partnership with AKWOS - the Organization of Kigali Women in Sports. Clementine Kagarama is a teacher and peace animator in Ape Rugunga School, in Kigali.

Thacien Uwagirinshuti: sport to resolve conflicts and live in a peaceful way
Thacien Uwagirinshuti is a teacher at Sainte Famille School, a primary and secondary school located in Kigali, Rwanda. He explains how children’s behavior can change thanks to the peace-through-sport sessions of the Peace and Sport Methodology.

Saeid and Sagi: The Impossible friendship
Saeid Mollaei, escaped Iran after he was forced to withdraw to avoid any confrontation with Israeli athletes. Sagi Muki opened his heart to this incredible friendship. Both are meant to compete in Tokyo during the summer but in the end, friendship will win no matter...

Friba: the True Heroine
Sport can drive social change, community development and foster peace and understanding. The entire population was severely affected by the war and in particular the women and the youth. Women weren’t able to practise sports. However, the women and the youth always...

Springboarding Gymnastics’ growth in South Africa
Trampoline Gymnastics coach Offering Tlaka (RSA): “As much as it’s such a competitive environment at the end, the friendships that are built, it’s more than just the sport. It’s just about development, growth, and love. We’re all in it because we have this passion to...